更美好的工作,更美好的世界:BW Papersystems的Sawyer Desotelle

February 21, 2023
  • Brent Stewart
  • Brent Stewart
    Digital Strategy & Content Leader at Barry-Wehmiller

Despite having grown up in Phillips, WI (US), 索耶·德索泰尔——像许多其他来自小城镇的孩子一样——离开家,搬到大城市开始他的事业和家庭.

但一个合适的机会让索耶回到了家乡,进入了一家给他带来挑战的公司, 有成就感的工作,让他觉得自己有所作为. 他现在是瓦楞工程控制小组组长 BW Papersystems.

“有机会在这里工作,领导一个团队,做出决定,决定外围十大菠菜app将如何向前发展,这是我非常兴奋的事情,” Sawyer said.

Barry-Wehmiller acquired Marquip, Inc., which was based in Phillips, in 2000. 收购Marquip是今天BW Papersystems业务的基础, 哪个是服务于瓦楞纸的13个全球知名品牌的组合, paperboard sheeting, packaging, folding carton, and security documents industries.

Technically, you’d say BW Papersystems makes corrugators and corrugated finishing equipment; folio-size, cut-size, and digital-size sheeters to convert paper, board, and other materials into boxes, folding cartons, ream-wrapped paper for copy machines, and passports.  Or, 你可以说他们制造生产瓦楞纸箱的机器用来运输所有东西. In addition, BW Papersystems的产品组合包括文具和护照生产, specialized paper-converting applications, and RFID processing technology.


“他们开始引进一大批工程师,壮大团队,”他说. “As the engineers came in, they came in with young families, 年轻的家庭把一群孩子带到学区. The school district started to expand. 他们请来了老师,请来了家庭. And it was awesome to grow up in that.”

离开菲利普斯后,索耶在明尼阿波利斯/圣公会度过了27年. Paul, Minnesota area. 在过去的十年里,他是一名嵌入式硬件设计工程师.

But his time in the city began to wear on him.

索耶说:“所以,每个周末双子城的每个人都有这种大规模的迁徙。. “开车三个小时到小屋,然后在那里呆几个小时. 然后你会不情愿地开车回到城里,开始你日常生活的苦差事. And then rinse, lather, 然后在接下来的周末重复这样做,以享受外围十大菠菜app得到的宝贵的几个月的夏日阳光.”

搬回菲利普斯加入BW Papersystems,离家人更近一点,这个决定几乎是不需要动脑的. No more three-hour drives to escape into nature.

“我可以走到外面去看树木和森林,我可以在树林里徒步旅行,”索耶说. “I can go out and go kayaking. 下班后,我不需要开车回我的小屋,我在这里.”

As part of Barry-Wehmiller, 由于外围十大菠菜app的“真正人性化的领导”文化,索耶肯定能看出外围十大菠菜app与其他公司的不同之处.

“我认为外围十大菠菜app的文化会产生影响,因为外围十大菠菜app希望你作为一个个体(队友)和一个人得到发展, 同时也是团队成员和组织的贡献者,” he said. “We're in the business of developing people, in the business of developing leaders, 解决问题,帮助人们. 如果它不能帮助某人,不能让某人的生活变得更好,那么外围十大菠菜app就不会去做. 外围十大菠菜app试图解决的挑战是让人们的生活更美好,永远都是这样. And this organization recognizes that.”

在BW Papersystems的工作让索耶有机会利用自己的天赋和能力,不仅改变了他的队友和他所领导的人的生活, but also in the lives of his customers.

他说:“我有机会和一群工程师一起工作,他们太不可思议了。. “他们是我共事过的最优秀的工程师. And so, getting up and coming in, 我不知道某一天外围十大菠菜app会面临什么样的挑战. 外围十大菠菜app有各种不同的客户和客户的挑战. So, when you wake up, 你不知道谁遇到了什么问题,谁有一些独特的、具有挑战性的问题需要解决. But I know when I get up and come in, 和我一起工作的团队会迫不及待地准备好解决这些问题. And that's nice. 外围十大菠菜app都在一起,每个人都利用自己的经验,努力想出最好的解决方案. And that's pretty good.”

虽然索耶来自菲利普斯,但部分回到菲利普斯是为了更接近家人, as part of BW Papersystems, 他希望能参与到比家庭更重要的事情中来.

“What's interesting is, 这种文化实际上超越了建筑的墙壁, it's actually the community,” Sawyer said. “Everybody's still here, 我认为这充分说明了公司作为一个整体,所有的遗留知识仍然在这里, 但它正在到达一个点,那里将有一个火炬传递, changing of the guards. So, I joined and brought a young family back, 然后我要招募和发展工程团队, hopefully bring in a batch of young families, teachers, grow out the community and do this again, and create this really thriving, vibrant environment.

“Both of my in-laws work here. My wife is from Phillips. I met her when I was in daycare, we're daycare sweethearts, so I've known her since I was four years old. So, while I'm married into the family, 这仍然是我前面的一代,然后我是下一代,我有我的孩子. 继承那一代人的遗产会很酷.”

Better Work. Better World. 是一个系列的视频,旨在照亮全球巴里-威米勒组织的团队成员. You can watch the video through the link above.

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